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# Title Research Department Research Year
14176 Management of Dentigerous Cyst in Children and Adolescents‏ Department of General Surgery
14177 Impact of sleep deprivation and sleep recovery on reproductive hormones and testicular oxidative stress in adult male rats Department of Medical Physiology
14178 Mean platelet volume change (∆MPV) and red blood cell distribution width (RDW) as promising markers of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) outcome Department of Clinical Pathology
14179 Addressing the Impact of Deep Venous Stenting on the Management of Venous Ulcer Department of vascular surgery
14180 Disturbances in plasma aliphatic and aromatic amino acids metabolomic profiles in Egyptian obese women‏ Department of Biochemistry
14181 Isolated traumatic acute subdural haematoma: outcome in relation to age, Glasgow Coma Scale, and haematoma thickness Department of Neuro Surgery
14182 Preoperative duloxetine to prevent postoperative shoulder pain after gynecologic laparoscopy: a randomized controlled trial Department of  Anesthesia and Intensive Care
14183 Association between uterine ,intracavitary ,cervical and cervical canal lesion with IVF/ICSI outcome Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
14184 Pharmaceutical and clinical evaluation of intravenous admixture of dobutamine and dopamine used in treatment hypotension in neonatal intensive care units Department of Pediatrics