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# Title Research Department Research Year
14212 Role of Pectoralis Major Muscle Pedicle Flap in Reconstruction of Orofacial Region‏ Department of General Surgery
14213 A retrospective study on clinical findings of 7300 cases (2007–2014) of barren female dromedaries Department of Microbiology and Immunology
14214 The Impact of Thyroid Dysfunction in ICU patients upon the Weaning Difficulty from Mechanical Ventilation.A case -Conrol Observentional Study Internal Medicine
14215 Cell-seeded tubularized scaffolds for reconstruction of long urethral defects: a preclinical study Department of Urology
14216 Lack of effect of subchronic exposure to cigarette smoke on the biotransformation of carbaryl in mice and rats Department of Pharmacology
14217 Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation in pain and opioid consumption after spine surgery Department of  Anesthesia and Intensive Care
14218 Functional and Structural Study on the Effect of Curcumin on Folic Acid-Induced Acute Kidney Injury in Albino Rats Department of Medical Physiology
14219 Worry from contracting COVID-19 infection and its stigma among Egyptian health care providers Department of Neurology and Psychiatry
14220 Risk factors-related first episode postpartum psychosis among Egyptian women: the role of psychosocial and the biological factors Department of Neurology and Psychiatry