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# Title Research Department Research Year
1630 Therapeutic Role of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in Alzheimer Disease Patients: Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial.
Department of Neurology and Psychiatry 2019
1631 Impact of Two Sofosbuvir-Containing Regimens on the
Haematological and Biochemical Profiles of Egyptian Patients
with Hepatitis C-related Compensated Cirrhosis
Department of Gastroenterology and Tropical Medicine 2019
1632 Could paracetamol induces acute renal impairment when used in therapeutic doses? A rat model study Department of Biochemistry 2019
1633 Experience of a Tertiary-Level Urology Center in the Clinical Urological Events of Rare and Very Rare Incidence. II. Urological Self-Inflicted Harms: 1. Unintentional Patient’s Side-Inflictor Urological Injuries Department of Urology 2019
1634 Alleviation of simvastatin-induced myopathy in rats by the standardized extract of ginkgo biloba (EGb761): Insights on the mechanisms of action Department of Histology 2019
1635 Effects of terlipressininfusion during hepatobiliary surgery on systemic and splanchnic haemodynamics, renal function and blood loss: a double-blind, randomized clinical trial Department of  Anesthesia and Intensive Care 2019
1636 Natural Killer and Natural Killer T Cells in Juvenile Systemic Lupus
Erythematosus: Relation to Disease Activity and Progression
Department of Microbiology and Immunology 2019
1637 A simple Immunohistochemical panel could predict and
correlate to clinicopathologic and molecular subgroups of
urinary bladder urothelial carcinoma
Department of Pathology 2019
1638 Prognostic impact of toll-like receptors 2 and 4 expression on monocytes in Egyptian patients with hepatocellular carcinoma Internal Medicine 2019