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# العنوان القسم سنة البحث
14194 Serum vitamin D and IgE levels in infants and children under 2 years of age with recurrent chest wheeze قسم طب الأطفال
14195 Evaluation of the biocompatibility, antibacterial and anticancer effects of a novel nano-structured Fe–Mn-based biodegradable alloys in-vitro study‏ قسم الجراحة العامة
14196 Effect of silver nanoparticles on vancomycin resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection in critically ill patients. Pathogens and global health. 2021 Apr 19:1-0. قسم التخدير والعناية المركزة وعلاج الألم
14197 Analysis of Lamin B1, Vimentin and Anti-Ku86 as Prospective Biomarkers of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Patients with Hepatitis C Virus Infection قسم الأمراض الباطنة
14198 Impact of Magnesium and Ferritin Deficiency on Depression Among Adolescent Students قسم طب الأسرة
14199 Impact of an Educational Program on Improving Nurses Knowledge and Practice Concerning Caring for Neonates with Respiratory Distress Syndrome قسم طب الأطفال
14200 Eosinophilic cationic protein as a marker for detection of acute exacerbationc of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease قسم الباثولوجيا الإكلينيكية
14201 Intra-alveolar neutrophil-derived microvesicles are associated with disease severity in COPD قسم الأمراض الصدرية
14202 progesterone receptor in the albino rat uterus during the oestrus cycle.‏ قسم الكيمياء الحيوية