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# العنوان سنة البحث
61 Nutritional Assessment of Cirrhotic Patients with Variable Severity 2018
62 Hepatitis D virus infection among hepatitis B virus surface antigen
positive individuals in Upper Egypt: Prevalence and clinical features
63 Efficacy and Safety of Simeprevir-Sofosbuvir Combined Therapy
for Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection
64 Role ofmiRNA-210, miRNA-21 andmiRNA-126 asdiagnostic biomarkers incolorectal carcinoma: impact ofHIF-1α-VEGF signaling pathway 2018
65 Erectile dysfunction among patients with chronic brucellosis 2018
66 Efficacy and Safety of Simeprevir-Sofosbuvir Combined Therapy
for Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection
67 Attitude of Upper Egypt Health-Care Professionals Toward Living Liver Donation
and Transplantation
68 22-Attitude of Upper Egypt Health-Care Professionals Toward Living Liver Donation and Transplantation 2018
69 Non-invasive assessment of liver fibrosis in patients with hepatitis C: Shear wave elastography and colour Doppler velocity profile technique versus liver biopsy 2017
70 Asian-Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver (APASL) consensus guidelines on invasive and non-invasive assessment of hepatic fibrosis: a 2016 update 2017