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# العنوان سنة البحث
81 Button hole hernioplasty: A new technique for treatment of umblical
hernia in cirrhotic patients. A prospective follow up study
82 Erectile dysfunction and Hormonal Profile in men with chronic hepatitis C infection

83 Creatinine modified Child-Turcotte-Pugh and integrated model of end stage liver disease scores as predictors of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis related in-hospital mortality: applicable or not 2015
84 Hookworm infection among patients with pulmonary tuberculosis: Impact of co-infection on the therapeutic failure of pulmonary tuberculosis. 2015
85 Multidisciplinary decision making in the management of
hepatocellular carcinoma: A hospital-based study
86 Button hole hernioplasty: A new technique for treatment of umblical
hernia in cirrhotic patients. A prospective follow up study
87 Creatinine modified Child-Turcotte-Pugh and integrated model of end stage liver disease scores as predictors of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis related in-hospital mortality: applicable or not 2015
88 Multidisciplinary decision making in the management of
hepatocellular carcinoma: A hospital-based study
89 The role of Fibroscan in predicting the presence of varices in patients with cirrhosis 2015
90 Colonic Treg cells are associated with HCV pathogenesis and Liver Pathology 2015