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# العنوان سنة البحث
101 Hookworm infection among patients with pulmonary tuberculosis: Impact of co-infection on the therapeutic failure of pulmonary tuberculosis. 2015
102 The role of Fibroscan in predicting the presence of varices in patients with cirrhosis 2015
103 Creatinine modified Child-Turcotte-Pugh and integrated model of end stage liver disease scores as predictors of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis related in-hospital mortality: applicable or not 2015
104 Button hole hernioplasty: A new technique for treatment of umblical
hernia in cirrhotic patients. A prospective follow up study
105 Multidisciplinary decision making in the management of
hepatocellular carcinoma: A hospital-based study
106 Noninvasive assessment of liver fibrosis in hepatitis C: acoustic radiation force impulse imaging (shear wave elastography) and liver fibrosis biomarkers versus liver biopsy 2015
107 Creatinine modified Child-Turcotte-Pugh and integrated model of end stage liver disease scores as predictors of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis related in-hospital mortality: applicable or not 2015
108 Seroprevalence of hepatitis A virus infection in patients with chronic liver diseases: Do we need to vaccinate 2015
109 Colonic Treg cells are associated with HCV pathogenesis and Liver Pathology 2015
110 Evolution of treatment of chronic hepatitis C virus infection by directly acting antiviral therapeutics: A glimmer of hope 2015