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# العنوان سنة البحث
431 21.Preincisional peritonsillar vs. intravenous lornoxicam for posttonsillectomy analgesia: A clinical and platelet aggregometry comparative study 2012
432 Different patterns of fibrinolytic abnormalities and lipid profile in hypothyroid and hyperthyroid patients 2012
433 Predictors of glycemic control in children with
Type 1 diabetes mellitus in Assiut-Egypt
434 Using amniotic membrane graft integrated with autologous stem cells in treatment of leg ulcers 2012
435 Preoperative embolization in
surgical management of massive
thoracic tumors
436 Predictors of Asymptomatic Cardiac Events and Prognostic Value of Cardiac Biomarkers in Chronic kidney Disease Patients.
437 15.Haemostatic Changes Associated with Thrombosis in Long Term Hemodialysis Treatment. 2012
438 Values of transforming growth factor beta-1, thrombopoietin and interleukin-6 in regulation of megakariopoisis in various platelet disorders 2012
439 Different patterns of fibrinolytic abnormalities and lipid profile in hypothyroid and hyperthyroid patients 2012
440 •Preincisional peritonsillar vs. intravenous lornoxicam for post-tonsillectomy analgesia: A clinical and platelet aggregometry comparative study. 2012