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# العنوان القسم سنة البحث
14194 Role of diffusion‑weighted magnetic resonance imaging in evaluation of chronic kidney disease قسم الأشعة التشخيصية
14195 Does post-acute COVID-19 syndrome women's sex problems link to psychiatry after 6 months? قسم الهستولوجيا
14196 Tetrahydro-2H-1,2,3,5-thiadizine-5 (4-pyridyl carboxamide)-2-thione derivatives as pro drugs for Isoniazid ; synthesis, investigation, and in vitro anti-tuberculous. قسم الميكروبيولوجيا الطبية والمناعة
14197 Determinants of Health-Related Quality of Life in Stable COPD Patients قسم الأمراض الصدرية
14198 Effect of caudal nalbuphine on postoperative emergence agitation in pediatrics undergoing infra-umbilical surgeries: Randomized double-blind study قسم التخدير والعناية المركزة وعلاج الألم
14199 Asian Journal of Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Research قسم الكيمياء الحيوية
14200 Risk Parameters of Consuming Smokeless Tobacco “Madgha”: A Study in Aswan, Upper Egypt قسم طب الأسرة
14201 Role of serum miR-21 and miR-92a in colorectal cancer diagnosis as novel molecular biomarkers. قسم الباثولوجيا الإكلينيكية
14202 Clinical Significance of T-Cell Immunoglobulin Mucin 3 Expression on Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells in Pediatric Acute Immune Thrombocytopenia قسم طب الأطفال