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# العنوان القسم سنة البحث
3043 Asian-Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver (APASL) consensus guidelines on invasive and non-invasive assessment of hepatic fibrosis: a 2016 update قسم طب المناطق الحارة و الجهاز الهضمي 2017
3044 Non Operative Management of Isolated Blunt Liver Trauma:
A Task of High Skilled Surgeons
قسم الجراحة العامة 2017
3045 Histological study on the effect of nicotine on
adult male guinea pig thin skin
قسم الهستولوجيا 2017
3046 Predictors of early outcome of arterial switch operation in patients with D-TGA قسم جراحة القلب والصدر 2017
3047 Non-invasive assessment of liver fibrosis in patients with hepatitis C: Shear wave elastography and colour Doppler velocity profile technique versus liver biopsy قسم الأشعة التشخيصية 2017
3048 A Shortcut to Arthroscopic Suprascapular Nerve Decompression at the Suprascapular Notch: Arthroscopic Landmarks and Surgical Technique قسم جراحة العظام والكسور 2017
3049 External Pop-out Cesarean Section: A Novel Technique for Supporting the Lower Uterine Segment During Fetal Head Extraction قسم أمراض النساء والتوليد 2017
3050 Serum IL-17 in patients with erythema multiforme or Stevens– Johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis drug reaction, and correlation with disease severity قسم الأمراض الجلدية والتناسلية والذكورة 2017
3051 Neurologic Complications in Children With Scorpionism: A Retrospective Study in Upper Egypt
قسم طب الأطفال 2017