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مؤلف البحث
Emad K Abdel Haleem, Emad E. M. Hamad*, Eman S. Hassan
and Abed Allah M. Abdel Zaher
قسم البحث
مجلة البحث
المشارك في البحث
تصنيف البحث
عدد البحث
VOL.10, NO 4,
موقع البحث
سنة البحث
صفحات البحث
ملخص البحث

Objective: The primary objective o{ this study was to ds.ress the ffict of
eptlepsy and satne of its relatedfaetors on langusge development in a group of
children aged j to I years. Design: A group of i0 epileptic chil&en re*uited
from pedia*ic neurologt unit with mean age 5 yetrs, 2 months participated in
the stuSt. The newologic examination was normal in all ehil&en with no
evidence af impairment otmotor andfwrctional coordination. All childrenwere
of intact sensory acutty inctudingvisual and auditory pathway. Alt ehildren had
IQ equal or above 80. The children were subjected tostadardized Arabic
language testf* measurement of total language age, receptive, expressive and
semantie scares.Childrenwere divided into groups occordingto the age af onset
of epilepsy, tltpe offix and thc drug regimen. Comparison between groqps wcts
done. Results: The proportion of delayed cases was higher in epileptic children
tlwn that in rwrrnal population. The mast aSected langaage profiles were
receptive and expressive language. There was no significant difference
betweenthe groups of dffirent qges of anset of epilepsy, and the groups with
dffirent types of fits on language acquisition. The group treated by multtple
anti-epileptic drugs showed paorer performance in all items of language test
than the gaoup treated by one drug. However tlwse dffirences only reach to a
borderline significance in total language age and expressive language.
Concluslons: Epilepttc activity in the brain can affect language developrnent in
children. So, in children with epilepsy, a thorough speech and language assessme:nt should be pedormed in order to enstre that the right care and
tTeatment is given.