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Ph. D. In Obstetrics and Gybecology (Endoscopy and infertrility) , Medicine Assiut , 1995

Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University,   2021

Professor Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University , 2005

Associate Professor Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University , 2000

Lecturer Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University , 1995

Assistant Lecturer Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University , 1990

Demonstrator Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University , 1990

1- Howieda Ahmed Abd-el Mohimen Fouly , The role of Visual Inspection of the Cervix after acetic acid application (VIA) in Screening of cervical lesions ,2011-11-30
supervisor: D. Marilyn Stringer Professor of Women’s Health Nursing Clinician Educator University of Penn Health System. School of Nursing University of Pennsylvania USA D. Atef Mohammed Mostafa Darwish Professor of O

2- Emad zareif Kamel Said , Effect of operative duration on some hemodynamic biochemical, and hematological parameters in patients undergoing operative hysteroscopy ,1999-04-01
supervisor: Kilany aly abdel salam,Zein elabedein zarea hassan,Atef mohamed mostafa darwish