The Vascular Surgery Unit was established in 1982 (1982 AD). Then, the unit was separated from the General Surgery Department to become independent in the year 1999 AD by the decision of the faculty of Medicine Board in its session held on May 23 1999.
We had begun with (2) faculty members, the department now includes (15) faculty members (5 professors - 5 assistant professors - 5 teachers) and an associate staff that includes (9) assistant teachers and (4) deputies.
The department's services also cover Upper Egypt in different governments: Minya, Aswan, Red Sea, New Valley.
There is a steady increase in the cases of blood vessels that are treated annually in the department, where the number of patients who underwent surgical operations and catheters reached 3822 surgeries in the vascular department during 2019, according to statistics of Assiut University Hospitals. These numbers do not include injuries or accidents that the department performs in cooperation with other departments such as (Obstetrics and Gynecology - General Surgery - Tracts) but it includes the department's precise services such as:
Chronic insufficiency of the circulatory system of peripheral arteries which causes gangrene and amputation of the limbs if the diagnosis and treatment are delayed (by surgery by doing arterial conduction or interventional surgery from balloon expansion and stent fitting).
Surgical interventions of the aorta (ventral and thoracic) arteries: Which is treated with either surgical intervention and arterial conduction or the installation of a covered stent system; which scientific research has demonstrated superiority of interventional surgeries over open surgeries in the treatment of this disease. Thus, the department offers the latest methods of treatment globally available to serve the children of Upper Egypt.
Acute insufficiency of the circulatory system of peripheral arteries: It is an emergency in the department, where the department performs a thrombectomy or dissolve it, which saves the injured limb from inevitable amputation if treatment is delayed by 6 hours from the start of a stroke.
Acute thrombosis of the deep veins of the lower and upper extremities: Where the department performs a thrombus dissolution by an interventional catheter, which prevents complications from a blood clot near the gangrene of the venous insufficiency or distant symptoms of functional failure of the valves of the veins of the affected limb.
Chronic insufficiency of the circulatory system of the carotid artery: The department treats the disease either by open surgery or by making stents through interventional surgery. Delayed treatment increases the possibility of paraplegia and permanent disability for the patient.
Chronic kidney failure: The department performs the arterial venous connection for dialysis, whether natural or artificial, as well as the central venous catheter for dialysis (Permax) using intravenous catheters. It also monitors the performance of the joint, where interference in cases of narrowing of the vein is done by expanding the balloon or in cases of clotting by making a thawing of the clot by catheter. This gives the patient more chances to do dialysis as long as possible.
Narrowing of the renal artery: As a balloon expansion is performed and a stent is installed to treat severe hypertension resulting from narrowing of the arteries of the kidneys and to avoid a chronic failure of kidney function.
Diabetic foot surgeries.
Patients with superficial varicose veins of the lower extremities Where the process of eradication of varicose veins is done surgically or by using the frequency catheter for thermal and laser, as this technique is one of the most modern methods for treating varicose veins in the world using local anesthesia.
Note that these services are provided on an area not exceeding 450 meters, including:
The patient's division contains (30) beds.
An expansionary outlook for the Department of Vascular and Arterial Surgery:
Our department accommodations includes 100 beds in order to eliminate waiting lists that may reach a few months in non-emergency cases and a few weeks in emergency situations, resulting in damage to cases and complications.
The horizontal expansion of the department to include 3 examination rooms for fully equipped patients (instead of only one room) attached to a waiting room for patients who hesitated on the department, especially emergency cases that are transferred directly to the department.
Equipping an emergency withdrawal room for patients with emergency admission, equipped with medical standards.
Providing a Vascular Lab room equipped with 2 duplexes (Philips) and a waiting room for the outpatient patients daily and for the internal departments’ patients at the University Hospital, which number more than 30 patients per day.
Providing rooms for faculty members, as there is only one room currently in the department for all members of the faculty, to enable them to follow up on various research work and fulfill the office hours of postgraduate teaching schedules for PhD and masters students.
2 private rooms for the assisting body (resident doctors and assistant paramedic teachers) overnight for physicians present within 24 hours.
The departmental board meeting room is large and equipped with a seat.