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Internal Medicine

Researches & Publications

# Title Research Year
391 Prevalence of Occult Hepatitis B Virus Infection in Hemodialysis Patients From Egypt With or Without Hepatitis C Virus Infection 2012
392 Asymptomatic Cardiac Events in Chronic kidney Diseases: Value of Myocardial Perfusion Single photon computed tomography and Impact of Renal Function by Glomerular Filtration Rate. 2012
393 BCL-2 and left ventricular dimensions, functions and peripheral vascular resistance in hypertension 2012
394 Is serum level of methylated RASSF1A valuable in iagnosing hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with chronic viral hepatitis C?. 2012
395 Prognostic Values of N-Terminal-Pro Brain Naturetic Peptide and Myocardial Perfusion Single Photon Emission as diagnostic tools for Asymptomatic Cardiac Events in Chronic kidney Disease 2012
396 Gastroeosophygeal reflux in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: Value of isolated treatment with pantoprazole 2012
397 Serum CD 146, as a marker of endothelial dysfunction in chronic renal failure: A Comparison between Hemodialyzed and non-dialyzed patients. 2011
398 Evaluation of leptin levels in serum of patients with Non Insulin Dependant Diabetic nephropathy 2011
399 Effect of matrix metalloproteinase-1 gene polymorphism on coronary artery disease risk in type 2 diabetes patients. 2011
400 Assessment of vestibular system in patients with Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) using electronystagmography (ENG) 2011