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Department of Biochemistry


The department of Biochemistry includes six research groups:       

First group:

Molecular biology researches

Second group

Cancer biology researches

Third group:

Metabolic disorders researches

Fourth group:

Stem Cell researches

Fifth group:

Clinical Biochichemistry

Sixth group:

Aging researches


# Title Research Year
491 Antioxidant Status of Children with Steroid-Sensitive Nephrotic Syndrome 2000
492 Carnitine and Liver Functions Assessment In Children Treated With Anticonvulsant Drugs 2000
493 The impact of low dose oral corticosteroid therapy on synovial fluid hyaluronan, fibronectin, B2-microglobulin & some oxidative stress markers in acute rheumatoid arthritis. 2000
494 Adult Intussusception with special reference to Peutz-Jegher Syndrome

تداخل الامعاء في الكبار مع الاخذ في الاعتبار متلازمة بوتز جيجرز
495 Cytokines And Zinc Levels in Serum And Cerebrospinal Fluid Of Children With Febrile Seizures And Encephalitis 2000
496 Carnitine and Liver Functions Assessment In Children Treated With Anticonvulsant Drugs 2000
497 The role of some biochemical markers in the severity of inflammatory changes of secretory otitis media in children. 2000
498 Assessment of cytoprotective effects of garlic against experimental gastric ulceration in albino rats. 2000
499 Adult Intussusception with special reference to Peutz-Jegher Syndrome

تداخل الامعاء في الكبار مع الاخذ في الاعتبار متلازمة بوتز جيجرز
500 Evaluation of the role of transforming growth factor-B1, Cathepsin-D & thymidine kinase in various liver diseases. 2000