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Department of Pathology


The main interest of research in our department is the application of recent pathological research methodologies to understand the pathogenesis, improve the diagnosis and predict the prognosis of human disease.

The department collaborates with other clinical departments in different research fields and theses. It also provides research opportunities for postgraduates and staff from the department and from any other discipline both from Egypt and abroad.

The main research facilities available at the department:

  1. Histopathological examination and evaluation of tissues .
  2. Cytopathological assessment of exfoliative and FNA cytology.
  3. immunohistochemical – based researches.

         Research Plan

# Title Research Year
181 Diagnostic Utility of Deamidated Gliadin Peptide
Antibody in Celiac Disease Compared to Anti-tissue
Transglutaminase and IgA- Endomysium Antibodies
182 Evaluation of some histochemical and immunohistochemical criteria of round cell tumors of bone 2012
183 Role of aminoguanidine, gadolinium chloride and oleanolic acid in the protection against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic and renal damage. 2012
184 CD44s and CD44v6 in diagnosis and prognosis of human bladder cancer 2012
185 Immunostaining P53 expression in Breast Carcinoma with correlation to clinical pathological parameters. 2012
186 Clinical significance of elevated alpa feto protein (AFP) in patients with chronic hepatitis C without hepatocellular carcinoma in upper EGYPT 2011
187 Prognostic and Predictive Value of P53, Bcl2, Rb and Egfr for Bladder Preservation
in Invasive Bladder Carcinoma Treated by Trimodality Approach
188 Antibiotic-associated Bloody Diarrhea in Infants: Clinical,
Endoscopic, and Histopathologic Profiles
189 Prognostic and Predictive Value of P53, Bcl2, Rb and Egfr for Bladder Preservation
in Invasive Bladder Carcinoma Treated by Trimodality Approach
190 Novel technique for biliary reconstruction using
an isolated gastric tube with a vascularized
pedicle: a live animal experimental study and the
first clinical case