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# Title Research Year
411 effect of addition of fentanyl or dexamethasone or both to bupivacaine in paravertebral block for patients undergoing major breast surgery
412 Hamed, R. A.1; Osman, N. M.1; Hassan, W. S.1,*; Omar, S. M.1 Dexamethasone Versus Magnesium Sulfate As An Additives to Bupivacaine in Ultrasound Guided Supraclavicular Brachial Plexus Blockade.
413 Low pressure pneumoperitoneum and intraperitoneal infusion of normal saline for reducing shoulder tip pain after gynecologic laparoscopy: randomized controlled trial
414 'preoperative Acute Normovotaemic Haemodilution in Patients with Myocardial lschaemia"
415 Comparative Study Between the Efficacy of Oral Verapamil and Bisoprolol on Reduction of Intraoperative Bleeding during Endoscopic Sinus Surgery under General Anesthesia
416 Topical use of tranexamic acid versus epinephrine to optimise surgical field during exploratory tympanotomy. Anaesthesia Critical Care & Pain Medicine.
417 Terlipressin infusion during Whipple procedure: effect on blood loss and transfusion needs – a randomized clinical trial
418 Radiofrequency Thoracic Sympathectomy for Sympathetically Maintained Chronic Post-Mastectomy Pain, a Preliminary Report: 6-Month Results
419 Efficacy of Genicular Nerve Radiofrequency Ablation Versus Intra-Articular Platelet Rich Plasma in Chronic Knee Osteoarthritis: A SingleBlind Randomized Clinical Trial
420 Combined intrathecal bupivacaine 0.5%, epidural clonidine or morphine for post-operative analgesia