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Announcement of PhD and Postdoctoral Scholarships in the Life Sciences Field
سوف يقوم الدكتور/ اكرامى خليل - الأستاذ المساعد بكلية الصيدلة – جامعة اسيوط . بإلقاء محاضرة بعنوان  Innovative Nanomedicine for Gene Therapy: Targeted Biodistribution and Controlled Intracellular…
The 4th Scientific Day of Diagnostic Radiology Department
The Scientific Day of Hematology Unit of Internal Medicine Department
The 10th Annual Conference of Ear, Nose and Throat Department
Interpretation and amendment some of the provisions and rules of scientific committees job, the thirteenth session 2019-2022
3rd International Conference of Interdisciplinary Science
18th Training Course for Electron Microscopy Unit
Schedule of the Medical Sector Visits
The Fifth Announcement of the Egyptian-Japanese Initiative 2019/2020
Announcement of a Seminar in the Development Center
Applying for Funding of Scientific Researches 2019/2020