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Lecture schedule for the first part of Ph.D. - Department of Forensic Medicine
Opening the application for the professional diploma in infection control
Date of lectures for elective subjects for master's and doctoral students for the October 2021 exams - Department of Public Health
Teaching schedule of statistics for the first part of the Practical Ph.D. spss - Department of Public Health
Schedule of the training program for master's students 2021 - in the elective subject - Department of Forensic Medicine
Statistics Teaching Schedule, Part One, Ph.D. - Department of Public Health
أوصت بجنة الدراسات العليا بالإجماع فى جلستها المنعقدة بتاريخ 7/7/2021 بضرورة توقيع جميع المشرفين على البحث أو خطاب القبول النهائى قبل تقديمة لمكتب التوثيق العلمى لإستيفاء شرط النشر للحصول على درجة…
The Academy of Scientific Research and Technology cooperates with the Federation of Arab Scientific Research Councils and announces scientific research awards for the year 2021  
Congratulation for a Promotion
Congratulation for a Promotion