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Assiut Arthroscopy Basic Knee Course
Congratulations to Prof. Mohamed Elmeshtawy
Post Graduate Exam
Infection Control Final Course
Exam Schedule 2012/2013
 ينظـــــــم قســــــم عــــــــلاج الأورام  بكليـــــة الطـــــب جامعـــــة أسيـــوط اليـــوم العلمــي  بعنوان Hazard of radiation therapy course interruptions حاضر فيها :أ.د/ أحمــد سليـــم…
Sceintific Seminar in Cardiothoracic Surgery
Completion the ceremony of college workers honoring
Announcement for Grants Office
The Best Poster prize
An invitation to attend a faculty ceremony