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A Training Program for Students on Stress during Exams and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Invitation to Celebrate the Spring Feast in Staff Members' Club
Ph.D. Thesis of doctor / Yara Hamdy Abbas Youssef the Assistant Lecturer of Anesthesia and…
  تم اليوم لأول مره إجراء تقنيه توسيع الشرايين للساق باستخدام غاز ثانى أكسيد الكربون (co2) بدلا من…
Important Announcement for Post Graduate Students
Important Announcement
Salsabil Association Celebration of Community Development for the of Orphan Day Occasion
  عاد السيد الأستاذ الدكتور/ أحمد المنشاوي - نائب رئيس جامعة أسيوط لشئون الدراسات العليا والبحوث…
A Workshop in Research and Statistical Consulting Unit
8th Assiut ACL Course of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology Department
Master Thesis of Doctor / Doaa Nour-Eldin Abdel-Azeem Al-Hefny the Doctor of Neurology and…