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The Educational Seminar on Hepatitis Announcement
The 2nd Annual Scientific Conference of Anti-Smoking, Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases Assiut…
The 1st Scientific Conference of Physiology Department
تم بحمد الله علاج  الحالة رقم خمسون من حالات اعتلالات شرايين المخ . حيث قام فريق طبي مكون من : أ.د…
الحمد لله كثيرا تسطر جامعه أسيوط ومعهد أورام صعيد مصر بأحرف من نور قصه نجاح اكبر عملية واخطر عملية…
Training Course in Forensic Medicine and Clinical Toxicology Department
Announcement of University Geniuses League Tests
Ph.D. Thesis of doctor / Shimaa Sayed Hasan Sayed Khedr the Assistant Lecturer of Cardiology…
The Youth Welfare Administration announces the selection of the Faculty Ideal Students competition…
Faculty Scientific Day
        Prof. Tariq Abdullah Al-Jamal, the President of Assiut University invites faculty members,…