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تحت رعاية ا.د/ احمد المنشاوي - رئيس الجامعة ا.د/ علاء عطية -عميد الكلية ا.د/ اماني عمر - وكيل…
الدكتور علاء عطية عميد كلية الطب والسادة الوكلاء والسادة رؤساء الأقسام وامين عام كلية الطب…
Announcement of the AMEXCID Specialized Scholarship in Medicine offered by the Government of Mexico
SPSS Part One Ph.D. Practical Statistics Teaching Schedule
Announcement regarding the provision of a free linguistic proofreading service for research from…
Concerning the conditions for adding a researcher from outside the supervisory committee to a…
Seminar by Doctor - Ibrahim Ahmed Youssef - Teaching Assistant in the Department of Neurosurgery
Concerning the intention of the University Education Development Center to hold workshops and…
Concerning sending the names of faculty members wishing to participate in reviewing research topics…
Seminar by Dr. Raghdaa Alam El-Din Ahmed Ismail - Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Anatomy…
Regarding the announcement of the British Council’s higher education programme