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The 5th Annual International Conference of Medical Oncology Department
A Workshop of the Faculty with cooperative of Assiut Health Affairs Directorate
Ph.D. Thesis of doctor / Mohamed Ibrahim Ahmed Ismail the Assistant Lecturer of Vascular Surgery
A Workshop in Cardiovascular Medicine Department
Ph.D. Thesis of doctor / Mahmoud Yousef Mohamed Badran the Assistant Lecturer of Orthopedics
Scientific Lecture in Dermatology Department
Ph.D. Thesis of doctor / Amany Hassan Abdel-Wahab the Assistant Lecturer of Anesthesia and…
Ph.D. Master of doctor / Mahmoud Ahmed Solaiman the Demonestrative of Plastic Surgery
Ph.D. Thesis of doctor / Doaa Ahmed El-Sayed Abu-Taleb the Assistant Lecturer of Dermatology
Free training for students in the context of competition for the best site for the student-…
First Scientific Conference of Assiut Neuropediatric Unit
DNA Forensic and Diagnostic Laboratory will held a workshop Titled Measurement Uncertainty From 18…