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Ph.D. Thesis of doctor Mohamed Mostafa Elyounisy the Assistant Lecturer of Plastic Surgery
3rd Scientific Day of Physical medicine, Rheumatology & Rehabilition Department
The Annual Conference of Dermatology & Venereology Department
Scientific Day of Hepatitis C Treatment Center
Ph.D. Thesis of doctor Othman Mahmoud Ahmed Mahmoud the Assistant Lecturer of Vascular Surgery
Ph.D. Master of doctor Ahmed Zo-Elfaqqar Mohamed Hasan the doctor of Orthopedic Surgery and…
اللقاء السنوي الخامس عشر لقسم الأمراض النفسية والعصبية بكلية الطب - جامعة أسيوط
2nd Annual Conference of Rheumatology & Clinical Immuonology Unit - Internal Medicine Department
15th Annual Meeting of Neuropsychiatry Department of Assiut University
2nd Scientific Conference of Rheumatology Unit - Internal Medicine Department
The Scientific Day of Ophthalmology Department