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ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLES-Effect of Uniplant on Liver Function in Egyptian Women with Asymptomatic Hepatitis B Virus Infection

Research Authors
Ayman H Shaamsh, Hosam T Salem, Mamdouh M Shaaban, Sharaf A Ghaneima, Shaaban R Helal
Research Department
Research Journal
Women's Health and Action Research Centre
Research Publisher
Research Rank
Research Vol
Research Website
Research Year
Research Abstract

Uniplant is a single 35mm contraceptive implant releasing nomegestrol acetate with an
effective life span of one year. This study was undertaken to evaluate the possible effects of
three-year use of uniplant on some liver enzymes (SGPT, SGOT and GGT) in Egyptian
women and to evaluate whether the past asymptomatic hepatitis B virus infection would
predispose to any changes in these enzymes. This is an uncontrolled prospective study
including 187 women of reproductive age who desired contraception for three years (three ...