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A spectrophotometric assay for lipid peroxides in serum lipoproteins using a commercially available reagent

Research Authors
M El-Saadani, H Esterbauer, M El-Sayed, M Goher, AY Nassar, G Jürgens
Research Date
Research Department
Research Journal
Journal of Lipid Research
Research Member
Research Publisher
Research Rank
Research Vol
30- 4
Research Website
Research Year
Research Abstract


A method is described for measuring lipid peroxides
by means of the color reagent of a commercially available test kit
for cholesterol estimation. In principle, this assay makes use of
the oxidative capacity of lipid peroxides to convert iodide to
iodine, whic, can be measured photometrically at 365 nm. cdi-
bration curves were obtained using peroxides such as H202,t-butyl
hydroperoxide, and cumene hydroperoxide. A stoichiometric
relationship W ~ Sobserved between the amount of organic perox-
ides assayed and the concentration of iodine produced. Concen-
trations of lipid peroxides as small as 1 nmol/ml could be mea-
sured. The ability to estimate lipid pemxides of isolated low density
lipoprotein was demonstrated.