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Hypotrichosis with keratosis pilaris: a case report and review of literature

Research Authors
Ayman M Mahran MD , Aya Y Badran, Asmaa M Ahmad, Mahmoud R Hussein
Research Journal
Al Azhar Assiut Medical Journal
Research Member
Research Publisher
Research Rank
Research Vol
Vol 15(3)
Research Website
Research Year
pp. 160-162
Research Abstract

Hypotrichosis or sparse hair is a relatively common feature of several hereditary syndromes. Hypotrichosis with keratosis pilaris is a very rare inborn skin disorder of unknown etiology. Here we report a rare case of hypotrichosis with keratosis pilaris in a 7-year-old boy. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case to be reported from Egypt. The clinicopathological features were presented and the relevant literature was addressed.