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Combined Effect of Monieziosis and Hypomicroelementosis on Some Hematological,
Biochemical and Hormonal Parameters in Merino Sheep

Research Authors
Mahmoud A Ahmed
Vorobiev VI
Lapteva ML
Ahmed K Dyab
Research Department
Research Journal
Pakistan Veterinary Journal
Research Member
Research Publisher
Faculty of Veterinary medicine Pakistan
Research Rank
Research Vol
ISSN 2074-7764 (ONLINE)
Research Website
ISSN: 0253-8318 (PRINT), 2074-7764 (ONLINE) DOI: 10.29261/pakvetj/2020.068
Research Year
Research Abstract

This study was done to determine the impact of monieziosis infection combined
with hypomicroelementosis on some hematological, biochemical and hormonal
parameters of Soviet Merino sheep in the Astrakhan region. 20 sheep, aging 3 years
old and average 43±1. 6 kg body weight is used. Sheep were divided into two
groups. First group contained 10 sheep and these sheep were naturally infected with
monieziosis and clinically were suffered from hypomicroelementosis, emaciation,
reduced growth rate, anemia, diarrhea and pale mucosa. Second group contained 10
sheep were apparently healthy and free from internal parasites and they were used
as a control group. The first group was given Praziver (praziquantel and ivermectin)
for treatment monieziosis, while they intramuscularly injected with Sedimin
(selenium, iodine and iron) and were introduced daily into the feed with CoCl 2.
Faecal and blood samples from both groups were collected, before and 30 days
after treatment, and analyzed for some hematological, biochemical and hormonal
parameters. Our results revealed that there was a significant decrease in Hb and
RBCs values, while total WBCs and eosinophils were significantly increased in the
diseased group than in healthy one. Biochemical analysis showed a significant
decrease in serum antioxidant enzymes (CAT, SOD and GSH-Px) and a significant
increase in serum DC and MDA in the diseased group as compared with the control
group. Hormonal analysis showed a significant increase in ACTH, TSH, Cortisol
and a significant decrease in serum T4 and T3. After treatment with Praziver,
Sedemin and CoCl2, there was a significant effectiveness to maintain blood
parameters within normal levels in the experimental group and increase
reproductive outcome from these sheep.