Research funding unit
Unit’s regulation
Special unit under a direct supervision from Dr.\ University president.
Unit’s role:
To manage research re-sources of faculty of Medicine, Assiut University, in transparency and fair rivalry.
Applying Rules
- The researcher should be one of staff members at Assiut University.
- The researcher’s department should have research accredit plans from university administration.
- Offered research should have department council approval, ethical committee and research committee.
- Researcher may start in having ethical committee and faculty’s approval and other approvals may be taken later.
- Staff member should not apply for more than one research project per year.
Mechanisms that staff member should follow to apply for research funding:
- For those who want to apply from Staff members or Post-graduate students (by knowledge of supervisor), to take fund for a scientific research at the faculty, should apply research project’s concept in an abstract (Concept paper) not less than one page or more than 3 pages. This paper will be revised by one of staff consultant committees of the unit during 3 weeks. If the concept is accepted main researcher will apply research project according to unit’s rules.
- Concept paper should include the following:
- Research question and how to do summarized research.
- Scientific importance and application to research which includes:
- Feasibility
- Interests and trials with research
- News in research compared with other researches
- Research relation and expected results to scientific applications or clinical services “Relevancy”
- In case the concept is accepted, researcher has to apply research project to the unit according to attached form.
- Research project must be sent to 3 experienced staff members, in addition to external member and member from the specialization, in order to take the fund.
- Unit’s administrative council will do meetings periodically, as to issue funding resolution for researches that has highest grade among applied researches.
- Researcher who took the fund for the project, will sign a contract obliging him\her to apply an audit about what has been done along 6 months in the project.
- Staff member should not apply for more than one project per year.
- Applying forms may be checked through faculty’s web-site “Grants office” or directly from secretary office at quality assurance office (till the end of unit’s office preparations).
Projects of research funding for year 2008-2009:
- Funding 20 small research projects (not more than 10 thousands L.E)
- Funding 8 average research projects (not more than 50 thousands L.E)
- Funding 5 big research projects (not more than 100 thousands L.E)
Initial applying form
- Research Proposal Form
- Initial application form
- Research project evaluation form
- Research summary evaluation form
- Suggested directions for research
- Rating trends
Contact US
Faculty of Medicine. Assiut University, fifth floor
Telephone number: 2411872