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21st   training course for the uses of the electron microscope in the fields of research, diagnosis and applications of nanotechnology (The period from 18-20 February 2024).



The Electron Microscope Unit at Assiut University, Egypt announces the holding of the 21st   training course for the uses of the electron microscope in the fields of research, diagnosis and applications of nanotechnology (The period from 18-20 February 2024).


Conditions for joining the course

* Fill out the registration form.

* The participant must pay registration fee in the course with a personal visa or at the unit’s account, which is:

Beneficiary Bank Name: CENTERAL BANK OF EGYPT Swift


BENFICIARY ACCOUNT NO: EL (9/450/ 82299/4 (


With the original payment notification as follows:

  • 1300 EGP pounds for participants from Assiut University.
  • 1700 EGP for participants from outside Assiut University.
  • 500 US dollars for subscribers from outside Egypt

The subscription fee is for the following:

    • The theoretical lectures and practical exercises for three days
    • Course publications.
    • Accommodation for immigrants.
    • Lunch
    • Obtaining an accredited certificate to attend the course from Assiut University.


under patronage of


Prof. Dr. / Ahmed El-Minshawy

President of Assiut University

Head of the unit's board of directors


For inquiries:

Please contact with:

Prof. Dr./Khaled Mohamed Ahmed Hassanein

Director of Electron Microscopy Unit at Assiut University

Telephone: 002088/2333620

Mobile: 00201004316311

Fax: 0020882353059
