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The Council of the Department of Biostatistics and Applied Bioinformatics will be held at 10:00 A.m on January 8/1/2024.
The Molecular Biology Department Council held its session No. (13) in the institute's council will be held at 11:00 A.m. on Wednesday, 3/1/2024, headed by Prof. Dr. Michael Nazmy Agban, Head of the…
The Molecular Biology Department Council will be held at 11:00A.m. on Wednesday, 3/1/2024.
The Applied Biotechnology Department Council held its session in the institute's council hall in at 10:00 A.m. on Tuesday, 2/1/2024, Under the chairmanship of Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ahmad Almolakab…
The Council of the Department of Applied Biotechnology will be held at 10:00 A.m. on Tuesday, 2/1/2024.
  The Institute's council held its session No. (47) in the Institute Council Hall at 10A.m. on Wednesday 20/12/2023 The council is headed by Prof.  Dr. Amr Mohamed Abdel-Fattah Mohamed, Dean of…