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The Quality Assurance and Accreditation Unit Committee will be convened at 11.00 A.m. on Wednesday 14/2/2024
  The Molecular Biology Department Council held its session No. (14) in the institute's council will be held at 11:00 A.m. on Monday, 12/2/2024, headed by Prof. Dr. Michael Nazmy Agban, Head of the…
The Council of the Department of Applied Biotechnology will be held at 10:00 A.m. on Tuesday, 13/2/2024.
The Molecular Biology Department Council will be held at 11:00A.m. on Monday, 12/2/2024.
The Institute's postgraduate committee meeting for February 2024 will be held at 11 A.m. on Wednesday  14/2/2024
استمرارا لمسيرة النجاح بمعهد بحوث ودراسات البيولوجيا الجزيئية بجامعة اسيوط. تم بحمد الله وتوفيقه يوم الخميس الموافق 8-2-2024م، مناقشة رسالة الماجستير المقدمة من الباحثة/داليا عصام أحمد زناتي، لنيل…
Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Ahmed El Menshawy, President of Assiut University, Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Ahmed Abdel Aleem, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental…