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Acceptance of the master’s thesis of researcher Asmaa Idris Fathallah, nursing specialist at Luxor Medical Complex

Submitted message title
 Effect of An Teaching Protocol Regarding Trochanteric Hip Fracture On Nurses' Performance
The effect of an educational protocol regarding femoral trochanteric fracture on nurses’ performance
The committee to govern and supervise the thesis was:
Prof. Dr. Shalabia Al-Sayed Abu Zaid, Professor of Internal and Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing - Assiut University. (From the supervisors).
Prof. Dr. Asmaa Sayed Abdel Majeed, Professor of Internal and Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing - Assiut University. (From the supervisors).
Prof. Dr. Sahra Zaki Azar, Professor of Internal and Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing - Assiut University
(Internal discussion).
Prof. Dr. Jihan Sayed Ali, Professor of Internal and Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing - Minya University
(External discussant).



