By God willing, meeting of nursing administration department council chaired by Prof. Dr./ Sahar Mohamed Morsy, Head of the Department, will be held on Monday, 4/5/2020, in the presence of teaching…
By God willing, meeting of critical care nursing department council chaired by Prof. Dr./ Samah Mohamed Abdel-Allah, Faculty Dean, will be held on Monday, 4/5/2020, in the presence of teaching staff…
By God willing, meeting of public health nursing department council chaired by Prof. Dr./ Safaa Ahmed Mohamed Kotb, Head of the Department, will be held on Sunday, 3/5/2020, in the presence of…
By God willing, meeting of pediatric nursing department council chaired by Prof. Dr./ Eman Sayed Ahmed, Head of the Department, will be held on Sunday, 3/5/2020, in the presence of teaching staff…
By God willing, meeting of gynecology and obstetrics nursing department council chaired by Prof. Dr./ Manal Mustafa Farouk, Head of the Department, will be held on Sunday, 3/5/2020, in the presence…
حقوق الطفل
تمريض طوارئ واصابات الاطفال…
تمريض صحة المجتمع
الاسرة والمجتمع والدراسات السكانية…
ندوات في ادارة التمريض
نظم المعلومات في التمريض…
تطوير المناهج في التمريض النفسي
نظم المعلومات في التمريض…