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Staff Nurses Perception of Job Empowerment and Organizational Commitment At Assuit Health Insurance Hospital (EI- Mabarrah)

مؤلف البحث
Gaber, E, Ghallab, S, Morsy, S
مجلة البحث
The New Egyption Medicine
المشارك في البحث
تصنيف البحث
عدد البحث
Vol. 26, No. 5
سنة البحث
ملخص البحث

Job empowerment is an increasingly important element in determining employee's
performance and commitment to the organization. Howe ever, little attempt was done to investigate
staff nurses perceptions of job empowerment and organizational commitment. This study was
conducted in an attempt to explorer the relationship between (l00) staff nurses perceived job
empowerment and their commitment to the organization, based on kanter s structural theory of
organizational behavior. Data were collected from Assiut health insurance hospital (EI- Mabarrah)
by using; the demographic data sheet, organizational description opinionaire (ODO) organizational
commitment questionnaire (OCQ) and a modified version of the condition of work effectiveness
questionnaire (CWEQ). The result revealed that strong positive relation ship was found between
nurses perception of access to opportunities and their commitment to the organization .in addition,
overall empowerment was correlated positively with nurses perception of their immediate managers
power. In accordance with authors, the results suggest that empowered individuals are more likely
to delegate are more committed, and are willing to sacrifice individuals needs for the good of the