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Relationship between Assertiveness and Leadership Styles among Nurses' Managers a Assiut University Hospital

مؤلف البحث
Fatma Mohamed, Samah Abdellah, Sahar Morsy
مجلة البحث
The Medical cairo University
المشارك في البحث
تصنيف البحث
عدد البحث
Vol. 76, No. 4
سنة البحث
ملخص البحث

The aim of the study was to assess the relationship between the assertiveness and leadership
styles among nurses' managers at Assiut University Hospitals. The study sample including all the
available nurses' managers (82) currently assigned to work in different units at Assiut University
Hospitals; (I) director of nursing, (3) Assistant director, (l2)supervisors, and (66) head nurses.
The questionnaire sheet consisted of three parts: The first part related to socio-demographic
characteristics of the study sample (age, qualifications, position, and years of experience). The
second part of the tool consisted of 34 questions that measure the assertiveness of the nurse
managers. The possible responses of this part were strongly agree scored (I), agree scored (2),
sometimes scored (3), disagree scored (4), and strongly disagree scored (5). The third part of the
tool consisted of 16 questions that measure the leadership style of the nurses' managers. The
possible responses of this part were yes scored (I), and no scored (0). The questionnaire is
divided into three parts (each part involves six questions) the first six questions detected the
directive leadership style, the second six questions detected the participative leadership style, and
the last six questions detected the permissiveness leadership style. The result denoted that there
were no statistically significant differences between leadership styles and assertiveness among the
nurses' managers. On the light of the present findings the researchers recommended the necessity
of sharing of the nurses in decision - making, policy making, informing the nurse managers with
description of each position, the nurses ' managers must have authority commensurate with their
responsibilities, and must have adequate opportunity for promotion, professional growth and inservice
training opportunity about communication and lead ship in nursing.