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مؤلف البحث
Fatma R Mohamed, Sahar M Morsy, Samah M Abdalla, Hala R Yousef
مجلة البحث
المشارك في البحث
تصنيف البحث
عدد البحث
Vol , (6) No , (2)
موقع البحث
سنة البحث
صفحات البحث
ملخص البحث

The lack of professional identity in nursing is evidence by the large number of nurses who leave the field and by those who practice at sub-professional levels. It follows that where positive professional identities are weak or absent, both the profession and professional suffer. The aim of this study was to assess the professional identity among nurses at main Assiut University Hospital. The study was conducted at Main Assiut University Hospital. This study was carried out in the following departments: Medical departments, surgical departments, I.C.U s. Subject of study sample included all the available head and staff nurses (102) currently assigned to work in the selected units at main Assiut University Hospital. The distribution of these personnel was as follows: 26 head nurses and 76 staff nurses. Tool of the study: The questionnaire sheet is consisted of two parts: a) the first part related to socio-demographic characteristics of the study sample. It consisted of 5 questions related to (job position, department, years of experience, gender, and in-services training programs). b) The second part of the tool consisted of 56 questions developed by Ali, A (2004) to develop a tool for assessing nurses' professional identity. It consisted of 56 items; 27 items covered professional image; 25 items covered assertiveness and 4 items covered self-responsibility. The result revealed that there were no statistically significant differences between professional identity and socio-demographic characteristics of the study sample. The study concluded that the majority of study sample (head and staff nurses) was having low professional identity. On the light of the present findings the authors recommended that: leaders and managers must facilitate formal and informal communication through committees and participation in decision making, also, Evaluate nurses' practice in relation to practice standards, Leaders and managers must give a sense of support to nursing staff such as dealing with nurses equally as adult professional, there should be job description for nurses and their role set, and the Egyptian Nursing Syndicate should assess nursing problems by doing periodic surveys and make psychological support to the nurses by making social services benefit for them and their families (social clubs, social insurance, health insurance). Moreover, It should provide computer science and language courses for nurses. Also, it must cooperate with Egyptian faculties and institutes of nursing to develop own web site to declare the recent nursing researches.