Abstract Abdomen is the third most common area of the body that is damaged because of trauma. The nurse must be aware of specific assessment findings associated with abdominal trauma and immediate recognition of problems, so this study aimed to assess patterns and outcomes of abdominal trauma patients admitted to trauma intensive care unit. A descriptive research design was used. Setting: This study was carried out in trauma intensive care unit at Assuit University Hospital. Sample: 60 adult critically ill patients with abdominal trauma. Tools: Patient profile characteristic's sheet and abdominal trauma severity scores and outcomes assessment sheet were used. Main results: There were 65% males and 35% females. Mean Age was 36.62±10.8. Blunt trauma accounted for 86.67% while penetrating was 13.33%. Motor car accidents was the main cause of trauma with 51.67%, liver and spleen the most affected organs. Mortality rate was 10%. Gastrointestinal and respiratory complications are the most occurred. Conclusion: Abdominal trauma patients need frequent assessment as majority of the studied patients at a high risk for developing complications. Recommendations: Training the nurses about how to use abdominal trauma scoring systems for frequent assessment of patients' heath statue from first day of admission
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مجلة البحث
Assiut Scientific Nursing Journal
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