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# العنوان القسم سنة البحث
3341 Clinical Outcomes Post Implementing Nursing Intervention for Intravenous Immunoglobulin Recipients. قسم تمريض الحالات الحرجة
3342 Depressive phenomena and physical symptom distress among women with breast cancer and their impact on women's quality of life قسم التمريض النفسي والصحة النفسية
3343 The Effect of Assertiveness Training Program on Psychiatric Nurse`s Communication Skills and Self- Esteem قسم التمريض النفسي والصحة النفسية
3344 Does a diabetic retinopathy educational program raise awareness among elderly diabetic patients? قسم تمريض المسنين
3345 Impact of Prehabilitation Swallowing Exercises on Swallowing Difficulty and Quality of Life among Patients with Head and Neck Cancer قسم تمريض الباطني والجراحي
3346 Impact of Educational Training Program on Nurse’s knowledge and practice for Intensive Care Unit Patient Undergoing Endotracheal Intubation قسم تمريض الحالات الحرجة
3347 Assessment the Risk Factors of Patients with Septic Shock in the Intensive Care Unit قسم تمريض الحالات الحرجة
3348 The Effect of Physical Exercise as A Nursing Intervention on Management of Positive and Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenic Patients قسم التمريض النفسي والصحة النفسية
3349 Effect of physical activities program on stress level among elderly women قسم تمريض المسنين
3350 2. Effect of an educational program on teachers' knowledge and attitude regarding emergency care of dental trauma قسم تمريض الصحة العامة