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# العنوان القسم سنة البحث
3341 Association between Perceived Stress and Coping Strategies among Nurses in Intensive Care Units قسم التمريض النفسي والصحة النفسية
3342 Impact of Prehabilitation Swallowing Exercises on Swallowing Difficulty and Quality of Life among Patients with Head and Neck Cancer قسم تمريض الباطني والجراحي
3343 Effect of designing Educational Program on Nurses` Performance for Immediate care of post cystectomy Patients at Intensive Care Unit قسم تمريض الحالات الحرجة
3344 Does a diabetic retinopathy educational program raise awareness among elderly diabetic patients? قسم تمريض المسنين
3345 Cognitive behavioral remediation program for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder قسم التمريض النفسي والصحة النفسية
3346 Effect of an Educational Program about Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome on Critical Care Nurses' Performance قسم تمريض الحالات الحرجة
3347 Effect of Modified Clinical Pathway Guidelines on Congestive Heart Failure Patient’s satisfaction at Coronary Care Unit قسم تمريض الحالات الحرجة
3348 Effectiveness of Music Therapy on the Depression levels among Elderly at Assiut Geriatric Clubs قسم تمريض المسنين
3349 The Effect of Physical Exercise as A Nursing Intervention on Management of Positive and Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenic Patients" قسم التمريض النفسي والصحة النفسية
3350 Assessment of Pregnant Women's Knowledge Regarding Rhesus Incompatibility قسم تمريض النساء والتوليد