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Department of critical care


We are looking to prepare qualified graduates by equipping them with the basis of scientific knowledge, working on improving the required skills in the field of critical care nursing and emergencies to provide preventive, therapeutic, and rehabilitative integrated nursing care. As well, following-up the health care insights in the community and responding to upcoming needs by preparing a distinct qualified graduate who has high skills to be able to compete in the labor market.

Also working to gain the trust of the beneficiaries of the students and faculty staff members in the performance of the department and the scientific searching quality level, and gaining the trust of the community by using the human resources of the department and searching possibilities in the field of critical care nursing and emergencies. We solve health problems associated with environmental aspects as an essential service for the overall development of the community in all its categories.

Department Vision

We seek to improve the health care and to respond to the needs of critical care and emergency departments in the hospitals and the community. The department also seeks to have effective and interactive role in the scientific and technical development of education in the field of critical care and emergencies nursing through distinct studios and training programs to stimulate the local and global academic standards to produce scientifically and professionally qualified graduates who are able to compete in the labor market. As well, the department seeks to develop research capability among its researchers to contribute effectively in solving society's health problems.

About Department

Department Objectives

  1. The development of scientific educational activities for undergraduate students and upgrade them.
  2. Working on the application of national reference standards for academic programs.
  3. The development of scientific research activities for postgraduate students in order to enhance the scientific level and the skill of the faculty members, their assistants, and college graduates.
  4. Raising the efficiency of the performance of the graduates for the nursing services provided to patients in the field of critical care and emergency nursing and developing their abilities in the performance of nursing skills.
  5. Interaction with the community and participation in solving its health problems.
  6. Raising the level of community confidence in the results and outputs of the department.
  7. Responding to the requirements of the labor market within and outside the country in terms of specialization and efficiency.