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# Title Research Year
891 Prevalence and Attitude Regarding Non Prescribed Medications among Pregnant Women Attending Maternal and Child Health Care Centers in Assiut City (Sep.-Oct. 2018),
892 Prevalence and Attitude Regarding Non Prescribed Medications among Pregnant Women Attending Maternal and Child Health Care Centers in Assiut City (Sep.-Oct. 2018),
893 Efect of health education program on knowledge, stress, and satisfaction among infertile women undergoing in vitro fertilization injection (2024) 29:1
894 Efect of health education program on knowledge, stress, and satisfaction among infertile women undergoing in vitro fertilization injection (2024) 29:1
895 Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Regarding Newborn Hearing Impairment and Screening at Health Centers and clinics in Assiut City January, 2022,
896 Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Regarding Newborn Hearing Impairment and Screening at Health Centers and clinics in Assiut City January, 2022,
897 Lower urinary tract symptoms and quality of life among chronic heart failure patients: suggested nursing educational brochure Jan-Jun 2019;
898 Lower urinary tract symptoms and quality of life among chronic heart failure patients: suggested nursing educational brochure Jan-Jun 2019;
899 Barriers to regular antenatal follow up among pregnant women during corona virus pandemic 2023
900 Barriers to regular antenatal follow up among pregnant women during corona virus pandemic 2023