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The Faculty of Nursing, Assiut University witnesses the thirty-seventh Graduation Day celebration

Prof. Ahmed El-Menshawy, President of Assiut University, emphasized the university administration’s continuous endeavor to increase advanced and specialized educational programs with international academic standards in line with fourth-generation smart universities to meet the needs of the labor market for new graduates qualified with modern cognitive and technical capabilities locally, regionally and internationally, and with a vision and future planning to support the advancement of young people. Students and researchers from the university, in order to support the Egyptian community in achieving national goals in various sectors, especially the medical sector. The university, in turn, is keen to prepare a distinguished graduate capable of competing in the labor market. This came in response to the launch of the thirty-seventh Graduates’ Day celebration, which was organized by the College of Nursing under the patronage of Prof. Ahmed El-Minshawy, President of the University, which witnessed the presence of Prof. Ahmed Abdel Mawla, Vice President of the University for Education and Student Affairs, Prof. Samah Mohamed Abdallah, Dean of the College, and Prof. Fatima. Rushdi, Vice Dean of the College of Nursing for Education and Student Affairs, Dr. Mervat Ali Khamis, Vice Dean of the College for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, Dr. Ikram Ibrahim, Vice Dean of the College for Postgraduate Studies, Mrs. Nabila Fikry, Head of the Branch Nursing Syndicate for Assiut Governorate, and Professor Dr. Manal Farouk Mustafa, Dean of the College of Nursing. at Badr University Dr. Iman Sayed, Vice Dean of the College of Nursing for Educational Affairs at Badr University, and a group of distinguished faculty members at the college, with the participation of graduates of the graduating class and parents. Dr. Ahmed Abdel Mawla stressed that this celebration is a pride for the university and for the students themselves, stressing that the nursing profession has become an important and lofty profession in the world, advising the graduates to represent the university well in all the hospitals in which they will work, stressing the university’s keenness to provide all means of support. And care for them and help them perform their mission perfectly, wishing them further progress and excellence in their academic and practical lives.
Dr. Samah Abdullah expressed her happiness at the graduation of the thirty-seventh batch of her children and congratulated the new graduates on their wedding day today, in recognition of their effort and continuous work over the past years, as well as their parents, who are credited to them and today they are reaping the fruits of what they have sown over successive years of sound upbringing and good planting. Expressing her happiness and pride at the graduation of a new batch of nurses with academic stature who will join the White Army and who are qualified to carry out their humanitarian and patriotic duty, stressing the importance of their work and the nobility of their message, highlighting the goodness of this country in them and recommending them to make every effort to provide the necessary medical care for patients.


Prof. Fatima Rushdi addressed the Nursing Department to the graduates and recommended to them the need to continue working, learning, acquiring skills, developing skills, and continuing to strive towards progress. They are now on a new journey in their professional lives. They are required to work diligently and constantly work for the benefit of serving their country and improving the entire medical system as an element. It is essential to have good morals, honesty, and compassion in their dealings with patients. Our patients, our families and loved ones, need our companionship as much as they need our treatment, and to keep the charter of their humanity and consideration of their consciences always present with them and in their sights throughout the years of performing their work.
Prof. Samah Muhammad Abdullah stressed that today is the beginning of a new journey, and you must fear God in your work, perform the work honestly, work to develop yourselves and your skills, and embark on a new journey with passion, enthusiasm, and aspiration for the best.











