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The last station of the train of these warriors has arrived to rest after four years of struggle armed with hope and knowledge To put down their weapons and shields a little.



.so that they can prepare more for the war of defending

souls in the white army column within practical life
The end of the written exams marathon for fourth-year students, Group (1) for the academic year 2024/2023.

Under the auspices of Mr. Professor Dr. / Ahmed Al-Minshawy, President of the University
And Mr. Professor Dr. / Ahmed Abdel-Mawla, Vice President of the University for Education and Student Affairs
And the leadership of Mr. Professor Dr. / Samah Muhammad Abdullah, Dean of the College
And the supervision of Mr. Professor Dr. / Fatima Rushdi Muhammad, Vice Dean of the College for Education and Student Affairs
With our wishes for their excellence and success 🌹🌹🌹
إرسال ملاحظات
اللوحات الجانبية
الترجمات المحفوظة
تتوفّر نتائج الترجمة.


