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  Salah El-Nadeem gets fourth place at the university level in the Ideal Student Competition Arwa Rashad Zein Al-Abidin won sixth place in the Ideal Student Marathon at the university level…
Faculty of Nursing at Sohag University, received an excellent rating. The researcher's master's thesis has been obtained and the title of the submitted thesis is:   (Awareness of visually impaired…
    The researcher's doctoral thesis was accepted and the title of the submitted thesis is:   (The effect of a nursing training program designed for nurses to reduce the complications of…
    Under the patronage of Professor Dr. Ahmed Al-Minshawy, President of the University, Professor Dr. Ahmed Abdel Mawla, Vice President of the University for Education and Student Affairs, the…
Prof. Ahmed El-Menshawy, President of Assiut University, emphasized the university administration’s continuous endeavor to increase advanced and specialized educational programs with international…
 and under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Hikmat Ibrahim Abdel Karim, Head of the Pediatric Nursing Department, and gentlemen faculty members. Today, the students of the third year performed the…
    It will be done, Allah willing The December College Council meeting is on Monday, 12-18-2023 AD At ten o'clock in the morning in the College Council Hall In the laboratory building, Faculty…
Today, the College Council meeting was held in session No. 137 on 12/18/2023 in the presence of Professor Dr. Samah Muhammad Abdullah, Dean of the College, President of the College Council, Vice…