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Prevention of Diabetic Foot Complication: Impact of Implementing
A Designed Nursing Intervention Protocol

Research Authors
Samia .M. Teleb and Zeinab Abdel- Latef
Research Department
Research Journal
المجلة الطبية - جامعة اسيوط
Research Rank
Research Year
Research Abstract

Diabetes foot ulcers are common complications of diabetes mellitus; they are the major
cause of morbidity, mortality, and disability. The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of
implementing a designed nursing intervention protocol on prevention of diabetic foot complication.
Subjects and methods, Design: pre- post test study design was utilized, the study was conducted on
60 male and female patients in diabetic educational center at Assiut University Hospital, three tools
were used for data collection. Tool I: interview questionnaire sheet, tool 11: foot assessment sheet,
and tool Ill: an observational checklist .Designed nursing intervention protocol was conducted
through 4 theoretical and practical sessions and evaluation was done by using the three previous
tools every one month till three months after implementation of the protocol of care to assess
patients' knowledge and practice about foot care and to assess patients' foot condition. The finding
of the study revealed changes and improvement in patients knowledge and practice about foot care
which were indicated by significant difference (p<0.05) between before and after implementing of
nursing intervention protocol. It can be concluded that, most of patients had poor knowledge and
performance of foot care while after implementation of a designed intervention protocol, the
number and percent of the subjects who had calluses, blisters, dryness, and fissure subside due to
improvement of patients' knowledge and practice about good and proper foot care.
Recommendations, based on the results of the present study the following are recommended,
periodic implementation of a designed nursing intervention protocol about foot care for all diabetic
patients in hospital setting, and in out patients setting during follow up visits to provide diabetic
patients with the necessary and required knowledge and skills about foot care. Diabetic patients
should be encouraged to do daily self examination of feet and to adopt proper foot care practice;
this can be helped by providing them with illustrated, colorful and simplified pamphlets.