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Implementation of nursjng intervention in reducing the incidence of theromboembolic complication among patient's undergoing reconstructive hip surgery

Research Authors
Zienab Abd EI-Lateef Fasal Fahmy Adam.
Research Department
Research Journal
The New Egyption Medicine
Research Rank
Research Vol
Vol. 25, No. 6
Research Year
Research Abstract

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) the. risk for thromobermolism is particularly great after reconstructive hip surgery. Tbe incidence of deep vein thrombosis is 45% to 70% of those patients had reconstructive hip surgery 20% develop pulmonary emboli with 1 % to 3 % being fatal. Thus the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of implementing a selected nursing interventions as a physical prophylaxis on reducing of thromboembolism. Among patients with hip surgery during hospitalization and one month after discharge. Sixty male and female subjects were selected randomly with the following inclusion criteria, adult with minimum age of 30 years obesity immobility and length surgical procedure (more then 30 minutes) preoperatively, Doppler / Duplex ulterasound were made for each subject to assess lower limb venous condition and exclude presence of DVT. In addition to utilization of Autal D VT. Risk Assessment Scale to distinguish between low medium and high risk patients pre-test questionnair.e sheet observation checklist and the assessment sheet were utilized to assess knowledge and practices as well as the ~ower limb condition. Simple instructions and explanations about DVT in addition to demonstrations and retlilll
demonstrations concerning leg exercises, positioning moving in bed steps of early ambulating and deep breathing exercises were made on short sessions of about 20 to 30 minutes. Moreover, illustrated pamphlet and posters were utilized as handouts post-operatively each subject was visited twice daily tell discharge fmdings of the study documented thaI n on of the sixty subject (zero percent) developed DVT as evidenced by DopplerlDuplex Ultrasonography though they Were risk group.