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Awareness of Surgical Nurses Regarding Pain Assessment and Management
(Suggested Nursing Guidelines)

Research Authors
Seham Mohamed Sayed1
, Shalabia El-Sayed Abo Zead2
, Mahmoud Thabet Ayoub3
, Amna Abdullah Desouky4
Research Department
Research Journal
Assiut Scientific Nursing Journal
Research Publisher
Research Rank
Research Vol
Volume (7) No.(16)
Research Website
Research Year
158-166 p.p.
Research Abstract

Background: Pain considers a typical sign for every patient before & after surgery, nurses have an essential part in
pain assessment and its management; therefore, they ought to have a solid foundation toward it. Aims: were to
identify nurses’ awareness regarding pain assessment and management and design nursing guidelines regarding pain
assessment and management. Research design: descriptive research design was utilized to conduct this study.
Setting: The study was conducted in the surgical departments of Assiut University Hospital & Elazhar University
Hospital. Sample: Eighty nurses were working in the surgical departments of the above mentioned hospitals. Tools:
Interview pain awareness questionnaire. Results: (93.8%) of surgical nurses had poor awareness regarding pain
assessment and management. Conclusion: Most of the surgical nurses had poor awareness regarding pain
assessment and its management for surgical patients. Recommendation: Nurses need for in-service training
programs and refreshing courses to improve their knowledge which will reflect on their practice while working with
those patients