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Compliance to Therapeutic regimen Among geriatric Patients with Heart Failure at Assiut City Hospitals

Research Authors
Tasneem A. Shoulkamy1, Rabaa H. Hassanen2 & Hanan A. Abozeid 3.
Research Date
Research Department
Research Journal
Assiut Scientific Nursing Journal
Research Publisher
Assiut Scientific Nursing Journal
Research Vol
Research Year
Research Abstract

Heart failure patients require comprehensive care that involves drugs controlling and intentensive. Health teaching about the significance of suitable nutrition, consistent exercise, symptoms control, and fluid checking. This study aimed to assess compliance to therapeutic regimen among elderly patients with heart failure in Assiut City hospitals. Subjects and method: Descriptive research design was conducted. The total sample size was 280 elderly patients by using software EPI /Info, version 3, 3 who were selected by quota from 3 outpatients in Assiut City. Two tools were used; first, structured interview questionnaire, and heart failure compliance questionnaire scale. Results: it was found 59.3% of elderly patients were male, with a mean age as 65.10 ± 6.12, 56.1% had poor knowledge scores, 66.8% were non-compliant with measuring weight and 58.9% and 53.9% respectively of them were non-compliant with avoiding drinking excessive fluid and following a low sodium diet. Also, illustrated significant relation among all items of compliance with patients' knowledge except compliance with medication. Conclusion: More than half of studied elderly patients had poor knowledge scores and this was correlated with non-compliance to therapeutic regimen among elderly patients. Recommendations: More studies should be implemented to assess patient's compliance and health education program for elderly about importance of compliance to therapeutic regimen.
Keywords: Therapeutic, Regimen, Compliance & Elderly Patients With Heart Failure.